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Game 1 is a tile memory game where the player has to remember the patterns that flash on the screen. The game starts with 9 blank tiles. It then flashes 3 images on 3 tiles. The screen then goes back to blank tiles and the player must remember which tiles had images appear on them. The game is timed, and with every correct answer more tiles and images appear, increasing the difficulty. The purpose of the game is to help improve your memory skills. 


Trial 1: I asked my mom to be my test subject in this project, because she has a terrible memory. She's only 58, but she's had a really bad memory her whole life. I told her to play this game everyday before bed for 20 minutes for 7 days. I continued to facetime her everyday to hear of her progress.


Results: At first my mom was terrible at this game, but as time went on her results and score kept getting better and better. My mom told me that at first, she hated this game because she became frustrated when she couldn't remember all the correct tiles. But as time went on and she got better and better at the game, she started to really enjoy her night time ritual. My mom even told me that at the end of the week she felt as though her memory was improving. She began to remember all the small tasks she had to complete throughout the day. After the trial was over my mom thanked me for "caring about her mental health". She still continues to play the game. She says she likes to play because not only is it helping her mental health but its a way to take out 20 minutes of her night to just relax. 

Game 1: The Brain Game

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