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As you get older, you must continue to keep exercising your brain to keep it in the best shape.

"Just like any other muscle, the brain can get in shape, be strengthened and developed with use – exercise" (Anrig, Claudia). It is very important to keep excercising your brain, especially as you age. The brain is made up of nerve cells, which send each other information. With time these cells die off, send information more slowly, and the brain even shrinks. 


"While researchers at the University of Kansas have found that getting plenty of physical exercise may keep your brain fit too, there’s even better news.The latest scientific research shows that your brain performs best when it has its own fitness program, fostering a whole new industry – neurobics, exercise for the brain.Neurobics can take the form of mental exercises, brain teasers and puzzles. Studies show that by exercising your brain, you can actually create new neural pathways and reverse cognitive decline.This contradicts the old belief that our brain cells are just dying off as we age. The truth is we can stimulate growth in our brain cells at any age!" (Wood, Ellen)


Many people jokingly use the term "senior moment" in a reference to a sudden blank out or forgetfullness. "Memory and other brain health issues – some more serious than others – are often one of the symptoms of aging. That’s because the brain area involved with memory, called the hippocampus, actually shrinks with age, causing memory loss." (Kane-Williams, Edna). By playing the brain games on this website, you can avoid senior moments.

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